Redazione AnyDesk

Comunicati stampa

AnyDesk Incident Response 5-2-2024

Following our public statement on 2 February 2024 about a cyber incident at AnyDesk, we can assure you that we immediately took all necessary steps to investigate and mitigate the incident and continue to cooperate with all relevant authorities.

05 February


AnyDesk FAQ

The following FAQ is related to an incident. As transparency, company integrity, and trust in our products is of paramount importance to us, we will continue to update this FAQ.

05 February


AnyDesk Incident Response 2-2-2024

Following indications of an incident on some of our systems, we conducted a security audit and found evidence of compromised production systems. We immediately activated a remediation and response plan involving cyber security experts CrowdStrike. The remediation plan has concluded successfully.

02 February


AnyDesk Announces Multi-Year Sponsorship deal with the New York Yankees at George M. Steinbrenner Field

AnyDesk Announces Multi-Year Sponsorship deal with the New York Yankees at George M. Steinbrenner Field

07 marzo


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AnyDesk lotta contro le frodi

AnyDesk annuncia la creazione della task force antifrode AnyDesk

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Authority Magazine

Intervista al CEO di AnyDesk Philipp Weiser su come espandere efficacemente la propria attività.

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Digital CxO

Una panoramica del Rapporto sul lavoro a distanza 2022 di AnyDesk e gli effetti a lungo termine del lavoro a distanza.

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November 21


Augsburg, Germany

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