Steve's Story

Steve uses AnyDesk to operate his telescope which is located on a remote site in West Texas taking beautiful images of the night sky.

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Peter and his wife watching smartphone

Peter helps his wife's cousin who is 79 and resides in a long-term facility. Her Android tablet is her lifeline to the outside world. Sometimes operating the device can confuse her, so she just calls Peter, using Google VOIP, and he connects via AnyDesk onto her tablet within seconds. She is so grateful that he is able to assist her that she is sometimes in tears.

Peter also helps an old friend who lives in a hospice. He has used AnyDesk to access his friend's PC to grab all of her essays, writings, and pictures which he wants to pass on to her family and to a publisher who will be releasing a book of her essays. Knowing that Peter can access her machine in the blink of an eye to help and arrange things has been a great comfort to her.

AnyDesk helps me to support my wife's cousin who is in a long-term facility and needs assistance with her Android tablet from time to time. She is so grateful, she is sometimes in tears.

Peter R.

Portrait of Peter

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Tutorial: AnyDesk in a Nutshell

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Bromsgrove School

Blog Post: Always connected

Real stories. Discover 3 unlikely use cases of how to use AnyDesk in this blog article.

Holger Friesz, VP Commercial at AnyDesk

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