Değişiklik Günlüğü
- Users can now chat with the remote desktop during both incoming and outgoing sessions.
- Added permission to interact with windows that have restricted access.
- The file manager now allows to navigate directly to a specific path.
- The file manager now allows access to removable storage.
- The file manager now supports drag and drop on small screens and between AnyDesk and other apps.
- Added support for remote restarting macOS devices with activated FileVault.
- Pressing disconnect button during ongoing session now disconnects session without opening the app.
- Implemented swipe gesture on main screen to change between speed dial categories.
- Navigation to Android root folder is now possible.
- Added tooltips and dialogs for locked permissions in accept window.
- Minor improvements.
- Fixed a crash on old devices when accepting incoming session requests.
- Fixed a crash during incoming sessions when device is rotated.
- Fixed a crash in accept window when session request times out whilst screen display is switched off.
- Fixed a bug that AnyDesk was showing a remote monitor that does not exist.
- Minor UI/UX fixes.
- Improved UX with initial setup and reduced dialog popups on first start.
- Fixed deadlock on start when showing the news tutorial on some devices.
- File manager can now be used within an outgoing remote control session.
- Added drag and drop support in file manager on wide-screen devices.
- Picture in picture mode now gets automatically activated on Android 12 and higher when pressing the home button during an outgoing session.
- The AnyDesk trace file can now be viewed in-app.
- Added password confirmation field when setting up or changing a password.
- Now showing current permissions in system info.
- Improved unattended access.
- Improved translations.
- Fixed backend crash when user disconnects on frontend side.
- Fixed incoming session request notification not disappearing.
- Fixed an issue that caused the main menu to become unresponsive after completing the tutorial.
- Fixed AnyDesk not going to background on incoming session when it was in background before.
- Fixed crash on Android 14 when connecting via unattended access.
- Fixed crash on Android 14 when user rejects screen capture.
- Resolved an issue that caused the app to crash during incoming sessions when the device was rotated.
- Fixed crash when aspect ratio of screen is too extreme.
- Fixed crash when changing IP addresses in VPN settings.
- Fixed crash when copying the anydesk trace file and the file is too large.
- Fixed behavior that AnyDesk was logging out from user account in some scenarios.
- Fixed list of users when connecting to windows terminal server.
- Fixed item counter in file manager when selecting more than 10 items.
- Fixed password field in the AnyDesk app not working properly when remote controlled via AnyDesk.
- Fixed ad1 plugin not working on Amazon cube and FireTV devices.
- Fixed keyboard navigation in navigation drawer.
- Minor UI/UX fixes.
- Fixed deadlock on start when showing the news tutorial on some devices.
- Added link for account deletion.
- Improved screen capture after orientation change.
- Fixed missing UI focus feedback on AndroidTV for some elements.
- Added scrolling to privacy dialog.
Other changes
- New release format for AndroidTV.
- Split clipboard permission for text and files.
- Added User Account.
- Fixed share button / password button visibility.
- Fixed tutorial focus point after screen orientation change.
- Fixed some icons on Android 5.
- Fixed crash on notification sound due to missing vibration permission.
- Fixed bug where modification time was not updated.
- Fixed bug where file conflict dialogs might be overridden by other dialogs.
- Fixed a bug where the soft keyboard covered the input field when vertical space is limited.
- Fixed a bug where the soft keyboard opened everytime the app was resumed.
- Fixed a bug where the notification was not removed after stopping a VPN session.
- Fixed incorrect texts in main window for some session types.
- Fixed crash in tutorial.
Other changes
- Improved plugin handling.
- Improved message dialog when session ends due to auto-disconnect.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Now opening soft keyboard automatically when opening search.
- Add support for ad.files.enable_parent_folder config item.
- Improved current path display.
- Improved clipboard handling for M3 handscanner.
- Improved clipboard synchronization.
- Added outgoing file transfer sessions.
- Added remote system information.
- Added remote restart.
- Added TCP tunnel feature.
- Redesign of the main UI.
- Dropped support for Android 4.x.
- Fixed incorrect address when using RTL language.
- Fixed crash in incoming connections.
- Fixed closing soft keyboard on some TV devices.
- Fixed orientation change on sound settings.
- Fixed auto disconnect when screen is off.
- Fixed address book visibility for incoming only clients.
- Hiding speech recognition button when action is not available.
- Fixed issue with displaying settings pages on some devices with big screens.
- Fixed bug in accept window permissions which could lead control permission being not changeable anymore.
- Added missing context menu to discovery items.
- Fixed notifications for Android 13.
- Fixed sending backspace key from Amazon FireTV devices.
- Fixed bug that caused the permission profile dialog to disappear on orientation change.
- Minor fixes.
Other changes
- Improved interactive access. Now using notifications when the app cannot be opened.
- Improved support for menu and recent apps button.
- Added synchronize clipboard option for incoming connections for manual clipboard synchronization.
- Added automatic clipboard synchronization for outgoing connections on Android 10 and higher.
- Improved prominent disclosure for accessibility service permission.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Support for new plugins.
- This is the last version supporting Android 4.4.
- Improved stability when using MDM.
- Easy management of permissions in all situations using permission profiles in security settings. We redesigned how permissions and passwords work from the ground up. Setup an arbitrary number of profiles to fit your individual use cases.
- Option to disable online state monitoring of other clients in the settings.
- Optional sounds for sessions.
- Fixed drawer layout on some devices.
- Minor improvements and fixes.
Other changes
- Added korean translation.
- Improved size calculation of shortcut icon.
- Fixed direct connection setup. It is more likely now to get a direct (faster) connection.
- Fixed setting on-premises configuration.
- Improved stability.
- Minor improvements and fixes.
Other changes
- Improved chinese translations.
- Improved stability.
- Send full sentences and emojis. This fixes issues with non-english characters and non-standard input methods.
- Added button to send trace file over active session.
- Fixed file manager home path
- Fixed crash when applying group policies.
- Fixed rendering issues of privacy statement and help center.
- Fixed injection of some characters.
- Added support for new custom plugins.
- Changes in the proxy settings were not applied.
- Fixed conflict between system back gesture and pie menu.
- Fixed plugin download on some devices when browser app is not available.
Other changes
- Improved chinese translations
- Added support for new custom plugins.
- Support for configuration via App Restrictions (e.g. Microsoft Intunes).
- Fixed remote image artefacts.
- Minor improvements and fixes.
- Manage plugin through AnyDesk app to reduce number of launcher icons..
- Fixed crash in session recording settings.
- Automatically switches to remote monitor that has the focused window.
- If supported by the remote desk, automatically locks remote desk when the session ends.
- Disconnects incoming connections after a configurable time of inactivity.
- See setting Preserve details for more information.
- Fixed injection of wrong touch coordinates on Samsung devices.
- Improved injection of special characters on Samsung devices.
- Fixed a couple of minor bugs.
- Added notification when a new plugin version is available.
- Added option to convert mouse events to touch events.
- Fixed key event transmission on Android 10 and higher.
- Fixed a couple of minor bugs.
- It is now possible to add and remove address books and entries there.
- Fixed a couple of minor bugs.
Other changes
- Searching for multiple words in speed dial and address book.
- Wake on LAN now discovers wakable devices in network. No need to configure the wake source anymore.
- Support for improved connections to iOS devices.
- Fixed crash on Android 4 and 5.
- Changed the default setting for interactive access back to When AnyDesk is visible.
- Implemented Access Control List.
- Implemented read only Address Book.
- Session Recordings can now be started and stopped at any time.
- Android device can now be used to wake other devices in the same network.
- Fixed 3-finger scroll in touchpad mode.
- Fixed a couple of minor bugs.
Other changes
- Settings can be now be protected by device security.
Other changes
- Improved support on AndroidTV (opening settings).
Other changes
- Improved input validation when renaming speed dial items.
- Fixed shadows on speed dial items.
- Improved link handling on AndroidTV.
- Improved file transfer.
- Improved online state monitoring when app is in background.
- Support for kiosk mode if whitelisted.
- Fixed a couple of minor bugs.
Other changes
- Significantly improved security of Discovery feature.
- Replaced overflow button on speed dial items with long-press action.
- Added plugin for Android devices.
- Fixed a couple of minor bugs.
- Fixed a couple of minor bugs.
- Fixed initial file transfer button visibility.
- Support for multi-touch events
- Settings for Privacy Mode
- Seeking in Session Player
- Dark Mode
- Fixed clipboard file transfer.
- Improved network connection stability.
- Fixed keyboard and dpad navigation.
- Applied some more minor improvements and bugfixes.
- Added plugin for HTC devices.
- Improved speed on some devices.
- Added color for speed dial items.
- Added online state to discovered items.
- Fixed remote image artifacts.
- Fixed issue with incoming connections.
- Applied some more minor improvements and fixes.
- Added plugin for Savortex devices.
- Fixed vulnerability in session playback that could lead to files getting overwritten.
- Fixed crashes due to invalid translations in some languages.
- Fixed some minor bugs.
- Fixed several crashes due to invalid format in ukrainian translation and concerning stopping service.
- Fixed some minor bugs.
- Unattended access.
- Kickout feature
- Fixed crash in incoming connections and made minor improvements and fixes.
Other changes
- Improved speed.
- Showing pointer when remote control is possible and also on pointer move.
- Added default permissions for incoming connections in settings.
- Added settings for discovery.
- Fixed configuration for interactive access.
- Fixed gesture detection lockups.
Other changes
- Improved remote control speed.
- The stability has been improved.
- Showing a tutorial on first start.
- Auto discovery of other AnyDesk instances in local network.
- Toggle full screen mode.
- Fixed OpenGL bug that could lead to graphic rendering errors.
- Fixed crash in file transfer.
- Fixed own address card visibility issue with custom client.
- Fixed deleting wrong speed dial items.
Other changes
- Improved user interface.
Other changes
- The stability has been improved.
- Favourites can be set in speed dial.
- Search filter for speed dial.
- Custom Alias can be registered once in the settings.
- Showing Alias and ID in SpeedDial menu and own address field.
- Fixed error when terminating an incoming connection.
- Audio permissions are only requested when this feature is enabled in the settings.
- Showing online states of session partner in speed dial.
- Showing AnyDesk connection state.
- Fixed pointer position on incoming connections.
- Improved stability.
Other changes
- Reduced battery drain.
- Fixed automatic language selection.
- Fixed black screen on some devices.
- Improved stability.
- Completely exit app when exit via back button when no connection active.
- Changing user picture now immediately takes effect.
- Improved connection to terminal server.
- Improved reconnect on network change.
- Fixed keyboard action in password dialog.
- Improved double click.
- Improved stability.