- Introduced session action to Lock Device
- Introduced session action to Switch User
- Introduced session action to Logoff User with a corresponding Permission
- Introduced new config for Custom Clients to force closing Accept Window Tab on Session end
- Fixed crash when closing Session during Elevation Requests
- Fixed crash when pressing Ctrl+V when no panel is selected
- Fixed crash caused by incorrect handling of global resources
- Fixed crash when updating fullscreen user interface
- Fixed crash when cancelling while establishing a new Session
- Fixed potential deadlock related to cursor updates
- Fixed bug that could cause the session to not continue after showing content that requires elevated permissions
- Fixed bug that prevented Windows 11 based Terminal Servers from being detected correctly
- Fixed bug that prevented Permission Profile enabled status to synchronize across different windows
- Fixed bug in Login flow when entering incorrect One-Time-Password
- Fixed bug that prevented License Registration via CLI from working when AnyDesk was not running already
Other changes
- Improved Dark Theme
- Fixed crash in Set Password Dialog
- Fixed crash when updating license details after logout
- Fixed crash in Encoder
- Fixed crash when quitting Service process
- Fixed crash when retrieving data for the News section
- Fixed crash when switching to File Manager while establishing a Session
- Fixed crash when updating
- Fixed crash in Custom Client caused by misconfiguration
- Fixed crash on start of incoming Session
- Fixed Korean IME support
- Fixed mouse interaction of main search edit
- Fixed bug where CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+DEL did not respect the SAS permission
- Fixed bug that prevented some settings from being synchronized between windows
- Fixed bug that could cause an incorrect name to be shown when deleting empty folders
- Fixed bug that required restarting when disabling Forced Logins dynamically
- Fixed bug that could cause UI glitches while establishing a Session
- Fixed bug that could cause an empty Banner to appear after Installation
- Fixed bug that prevented Windows 11 Snap Layouts from working
- Fixed bug that could prevent the Main Menu from closing when losing focus
- Fixed bug that could cause multiple settings categories to be highlighted
- Fixed bug that prevented corrected removal of some files when uninstalling
- Fixed bug that caused the Session Comment input field to have inconsistent size when a Session was ended due to Auto-Disconnect
- Fixed bug that caused window position and size to not be saved
- Fixed bug that would show sections and tiles for some features when disabled
- Fixed bug that caused incorrect transfer of mouse clicks when using Gaming-Mode
- Fixed bug that would not copy all the information when multiple Addresses are selected
- Fixed bug that would cause the search edit to be moved when scrolling in File Manager
- Fixed bug that would allow the Whiteboard Menu to be placed offscreen
- Fixed bug that prevented E-Mail clients to open correctly when inviting via E-Mail
- Fixed some missing tooltips
Other changes
- Improved localization for all supported languages by adding a lot of missing texts
- Improved consistency of Light and Dark Themes
- AnyDesk now detects the text caret location to position IME Input Text Fields more accurately
- Fixed bug that could cause unnecessary entries in the Windows Event Log
- Fixed a rare crash on incoming connection
- Fixed multiple UI inconsistencies that allowed changing values without effect
- Fixed bug that caused connect-URLs to not always work as expected
- Fixed bug that prevented changes to Proxy Credentials to save in some Custom Client setups
- Fixed bug that caused Global Settings to show up in incorrect Color Theme
- Fixed bug that showed grey screen when closing a Session right after it started
- Fixed bug that caused AnyDesk to display that a new version is currently being downloaded when that is not the case
- Fixed bug that caused text to be cut off in Toolbar Edit
- Fixed bug that caused text to not be selectable or copyable in Toolbar Edit
Other changes
- Improved localization
- Improved fidelity of UI in Light and Dark Themes
- Improved error messages when registering License via Command Line Interface
- Fixed crash when updating AnyDesk
- Introduced new feature AnyDesk Assist (UltimateCloud only)
- Technicians can now initiate sessions without the remote user’s AnyDesk-ID, simplifying access via the quick support client (if enabled). Includes tools for request creation, tracking, and management
- Users can now request assistance from technicians directly from the client (if enabled)
- Introduced new feature Screen Recording
- Custom Clients now allow updating to a Custom Client of the same version but different Config
- Fixed crash when renaming Address Book entries
- Fixed crash when removing entries from Address Book or Recent Sessions
- Fixed incorrect Banner message that could sometimes show when using Free Licenses
- Fixed visual inconsistencies in Dark Mode
- Fixed bug that allowed the option to show Address Book on startup in some unintended cases
- Fixed bug that caused sprodadic logouts of an AnyDesk Account
Other changes
- Improved UI feedback when registering Licenses via URLs and added new silent option to suppress it
- Improved Localization of many languages
- Added URL based License Registration mechanism that allows registering a license via link
- The name of Address Book Entries is now shown in the tab header when connecting to them
- Update panel now shows both the installed and to-be-installed versions of AnyDesk
- Fixed bug that caused some messages to not show up after license registration
- Fixed bug that prevented some Custom Client settings to work
- Fixed some textual bugs in settings
- Fixed some DPI related visual bugs
- Fixed bug that prevented some users from enabling Two Factor Authentication
- Fixed bug that sometimes treated microphones as speakers
- Fixed bug that caused Displays to stay on even after an outgoing session already ended
- Fixed signing of Remote Printing Driver
- Fixed signing issues of MSI installer
- Fixed bug that sometimes caused the wrong Permission Profile to be selected after Elevation Requests
- Fixed bug that would silently fail Session Recordings when missing write permissions
- Fixed Drag&Drop behavior of Address Tiles
- Fixed behavior of Status Bar that shows Connection and License issues
- Fixed TCP Tunnel permission not working
- Fixed crash when clicking File Manager Button during while connecting
- Fixed missing close button in outgoing File Manager Session during while connecting
- Fixed Command Line Interface to open Settings to fit the restructured Settings pages
- Fixed missing About AnyDesk option in Incoming Only Custom Clients
- Fixed synchronization of some permission states so that options become available immediately when permission is granted
- Fixed handling of SAS permission
- Fixed crash when hitting Enter key in dialog to add Address to Address Book
- Fixed bug that allowed registering a license via CLI while logged in with an Account
- Fixed bug that showed Permission Profiles in Outgoing Only Custom Clients
- Fixed visual bug that caused the File Manager toolbar button to be highlighted when showing a screen
- Fixed bug that allowed connection without password after cancelling Remote Restart Attempt
- Fixed visual bug that caused email address to be cut off in Account Login Popup
- Fixed visual bug that caused About Panel to not update properly when adding OnPremise license
- Fixed bug that prevented Preset Password Banner from showing up when setting password via Dynamic Config in my.anydesk
- Fixed crash when cancelling UAC dialog (Elevation Request)
- Fixed bug that caused uninstaller to not remove everything
- Fixed rare crash in Permission Profile Settings
- Fixed crash in Command Line Interface when sending connection requests
- Fixed bug that caused Reset Password button to not show up correctly
- Fixed bug that caused visual indicator for active display to not work in full screen mode
- Fixed bug that prevented AltTab to work in nonconnection tabs during when there was an active session
- Fixed bug that allowed incoming connections in Forced Login Clients
- Fixed visual bug that affected + and buttons in WakeOnLAN settings
- Fixed subtle bug in Windows version detection logic
- Fixed bug that prevented removal of passwords from Permission Profiles
- Fixed bug that caused delayed update of Permission Profiles settings
- Fixed bug that prevented the Personal Address Book to open after login
- Fixed bug that caused clicking the user icon in File Manager to navigate to the wrong settings page
- Fixed bug that sometimes restricted permissions of legacy clients more than it should
- Fixed bug that did not restore Session Recording settings correctly when removing a license
- Fixed bug that prevented some buttons in the Session Limit Reached dialog from working
- Fixed crash when adding Permission Profiles via Command Line Interface
- Fixed crash when trying to open Chat Log from Recent Session list
- Fixed crash when trying to open Session Recordings from Recent Session list
- Fixed bug that caused + and buttons for Access Control List to be invisible
- Fixed bug that would stop audio transmission when minimizing the window
- Fixed scaling of resize border on big resolution screens
- Fixed bugs that caused synchronization of some settings between multiple settings windows to not happen correctly
- Fixed bug that caused previous window size to not be remembered correctly in some cases
- Fixed many more minor User Interface issues
Other changes
- Improved localization
- Improved user experience when connecting to iOS clients
- Actions on the tray icon can now be disabled in custom clients
Other changes
- Improved handling of expired licenses
- License registration via URL handler
- Crash on trying to establish a session in case of expired license
Other changes
- Improved overall handling of expired licenses
- Fixed crash when starting AnyDesk via Command Line Interface
Other changes
- Improved anti-fraud measures
- Fixed direct connections between clients in the same LAN.
- Fixed crash when Outgoing Session is being closed.
- Fixed Main Window visibility after closing Outgoing Session in Custom Clients with Preset Password.
- Fixed visibility of Remove button in settings for Access Control (ACL) and Wake-on-LAN when using Light UI theme.
- Fixed keyboard interaction with ACL in Access Settings.
- Fixed behavior of Block Remote Input permission.
- Fixed restriction of Update parameters for unlicensed clients.
- Fixed sending Network ID to the Server
Other changes
- Allow hiding the Retry button in Session Ended dialogs.
- Allow to show Session title when using --plain-with-toolbar.
- Allow to hide the Client ID in incoming-only Custom Clients.
- Disallow Privacy Mode for Incoming connections from unlicensed legacy clients.
- Disallow removing expired Licenses.
- Improve usability of the User selection dialog when connecting to Windows Terminal Server.
- Allow to hide the Client ID in incoming-only Custom Clients.
- Disallow Privacy Mode for Incoming connections from unlicensed legacy clients.
- Fixed bug regarding event logs for Incoming clients
- Fixed bug regarding removable license for OnPremises
- Fixed bug related to session bar that activates/deactivates Night mode when clicking on different displays in Display settings
- Fixed bug regarding session closing if backend user performs logoff
- Fixed crash related to changing monitor count
- Fixed bug related to transmitting authentication data for elevation
- Fixed bug related to desktop's alternative background
- Fixed bug when it is possible to register alias on portable
- Fixed crash when request elevation
- Fixed bug related to behaviour for command line options
- Fixed bug when user uninstalls AnyDesk and checks the check box to remove files the files are not removed and ID saved for future installations
- Fixed error message when License Removed with Open Address Book on startup enabled
- Fixed crash when user clicks Autoselect option
- Fixed bug related to Restart my device permission remaining inactive for a while after creating a new profile
- Fixed bug when Installation/Update window freezes if you try to install/update Anydesk after you clicked NO on User Account Control window
- Fixed bug when password can be set up in both Permissions and Access
- Improved the amount of time until the main window opens
- Fixed errors in Windows Event Log
Other changes
- Increased account auth requests timeout up to 20s
- An Easter egg feature surprise!
Other changes
- Exchanged code signing certificate. The previous certificate will be invalidated soon. Please update.
- AnyDesk now supports Night Mode. It can be activated via the Display Menu during an outgoing session to invert the remote image.
Other changes
- Improved colors for Light and Dark UI modes in some places.
- AnyDesk now supports dark mode.
- Fixed synchronization problems that could occur for some configurations that were setup via our web portal.
- Fixed bug that allowed copying of clipboard text when permission was not granted.
- Fixed problem that prevented Windows Server Addresses to be saved to the Address Book.
- Fixed problem that allowed Windows to go to sleep during an active outgoing Session.
- Fixed some UI glitches and minor crashes.
Other changes
- Improved in-app messaging to honor licenses correctly.
- Fixed some UI issues
- Fixed a crash on logout
- Fixed a couple of issues regarding account functionality
- Fixed a bug requiring newly installed clients to be restarted before dynamic configuration would take effect
- Fixed wrong preview being shown after file transfer sessions
- Fixed clipboard permission UI in the main window
- Fixed a bug allowing installation even though installation was disabled in my.anydesk II, while forcing login was active
- Fixed the logout button being shown in account settings even though the account feature was disabled
- Fixed a bug disallowing changes to the global setting to lock a desktop on session end
- Fixed trace output in system user context
- Fixed usage of configuration files in system user context
- Custom clients can now be configured to have their accept window stay open after incoming session/s end
- The text displayed in a session's tab in AnyDesk and in the Windows taskbar can now be configured via the commandline interface
- Fixed some UI issues.
- Fixed missing buttons to set/edit a password and to rename permission profiles in case AnyDesk is running elevated (as admin user)
- Fixed file transfers for different sessions being shown in the same tab in the accept window.
- Fixed a bug allowing file transfer sessions to be started even though disabled via settings.
- Fixed wrong Address Book contents shown on startup.
- Fixed missing entry for the Personal Address Book, available for logged in users.
- Fixed a race condition in the Address Book.
- Fixed the Address Book not opening on startup while the free license is active.
- Fixed a freeze when trying to add an item from the main view to the Address Book.
- Fixed clipboard data sent out for synchronisation even though the other side does not permit synchronisation or does not support it.
- Fixed a bug limiting the number of sessions shown in the accept window to only three.
- Fixed selection of acceleration features in display settings.
- Fixed keyboard support when editing a permission profile's name.
- Fixed two errors about missing .dll files for Windows XP.
- Fixed typing an incorrect user account password would skip the error message and open a browser.
- Fixed PRO icon being shown for free licenses.
- Fixed main view link to telemetry consent.
- Fixed a couple of tooltips regarding features depending on license.
- Fixed Privacy Mode to also work in system user context.
- Fixed Telemetry tile reappearing after removing consent.
Other changes
- Fixed a minor issue regarding keyboard support for the Japanese language.
- Fixed keyboard translation when using asian language/s IME.
- Simplified wording in many areas.
- Updated German translations.
Other changes
- Improved localization for several languages
- Licensed users can now apply changes to AnyDesk settings in real-time from within my.anydesk II. The available options might differ according to license and other conditions.
- Fixed scrolling in settings
- Fixed a bug that showed wrong Messages to licensed users
Other changes
- Added missing translations for Simplified Chinese
- No longer showing the free license banner in incoming only custom clients
- Fixed a bug that didn't properly migrate some legacy screen frame config entries.
- Fixed a bug that made the soft keyboard reappear on every new connection.
- Fixed a bug that made the alternative screen background not work with portable custom clients.
- Fixed a bug that led to unexpected results when moving address book entries to other address books that were already full.
Other changes
- Properly disabled GUI elements for disabled features.
- The address book no longer closes when logging into an account.
- Small GUI improvements in Fullscreen menus.
Other changes
- Added configrable UI elements that can be shown on demand.
- Fixed crash when using the clipboard while having multiple simultaneous sessions.
- Fixed a security relevant bug.
- Fixed multiple visual bugs in the user interface.
- Fixed bug that could close connections unexpectedly when clicking on some links.
- Fixed bug that sometimes prevented Registry entries to take effect.
- Fixed bug that sometimes could cause copying text to behave unexpectedly.
- Fixed bug that prevented connections to custom ports.
- Fixed bug that prevented invitations from context menues.
- Fixed bug that caused online status to not show correctly for Windows Terminal Servers.
- Fixed bug that caused unexpected behaviour of the Softkeyboard when connecting to Windows 7 or XP.
Other changes
- Improved Account related Server communication.
- Improved error messages for Account related errors.
- Added tooltips to some Address Book elements.
- Added new combobox to Account Registration UI.
- Better message when licenses expires.
- Improved translations.
- Showing the oranization the user is logged in to.
- Showing the Hamburger Menu over the banner
- Fixed a crash when interacting with the welcome screen.
- Fixed a crash when entering a license key.
- Fixed an issue that wrongly opened the Address Book on startup.
- Fixed a bug where unattended access sessions could miss the profile selector.
- Fixed a visual bug that made the screen shake on connections.
- Fixed a bug with the clipboard sync.
- Fixed a bug that made it impossible to copy and paste files in temporary folders.
- Fixed a bug in session playbacks where the toolbar was not working properly.
- Fixed a bug that disabled the Discovery feature.
- Fixed a bug that made it impossible to change the connection settings in custom clients enforcing login.
- Fixed a bug that disallowed setting up new invitations after an older one expired.
- Fixed a bug that blocked the GUI when invitations were cancelled.
- Added Command Line Interface for proxy settings
- Added new Permission to allow remote controlling the Accept Window and other windows that otherwise cannot be controlled.
- Fixed bug where license restrictions did not apply after Switch Sides.
- Fixed bug where license restrictions could disable the Chat before a session was accepted.
- Fixed a bug that prevented some Address Book actions for some licenses.
- Fixed a bug where the Session Watermark was shown when licensed and free users connected to the same device.
- Fixed a bug where the Free License Banner wasn't shown on Custom Clients on first startup.
- Fixed a bug where license key changes were not updating the UI properly.
- Fixed a bug where File Browser Restrictions did not apply to File Transfer Sessions.
- Fixed bug where users were disconnected after thirty minutes if registered with free User Accounts.
- Fixed bug where free sessions were not properly closed after thirty minutes.
- Fixed bug where Permission Profile restrictions did not apply correctly.
- Fixed incorrect popup message related to TCP Tunnels.
- Fixed several smaller license issues with in the Address Book.
- Fixed behavior of Register User button in Account Panel.
- Fixed bug that caused some licenses to display an incorrect name.
- Fixed crash when sending special chat messages.
- Fixed crash when starting to play Session Recording.
- Fixed several possible freezes in the client.
- Fixed crash when a lot of sessions where opened to the same device.
- Fixed crash when swithcing the language to Russian.
- Fixed crash on Switch Sides.
- Fixed crash in the Installer.
- Fixed crash when opening the settings for Incoming Only Custom Clients.
- Fixed rare crash when opening the Address Book.
- File Transfer Sessions are now properly blocked when disabled.
- Fixed bug where not all update options were available when supposed to.
- Fixed bug where the Address Book could malfunction on first login.
- Fixed bug where the File Manager didn't work on Windows 7 Virutal Machines.
- Fixed bug where the 'Lock remote account on session end' feature did not work properly.
- Fixed a bug the sometimes prevented Automatic Incoming Session Recordings to start properly.
- Fixed a bug that presented the list of all users after failing to connect to Windows Terminal Server.
- Fixed a bug in the email validator that rejected valid email addresses for User Accounts.
- Fixed a bug where synchronizing the File Clipboard didn't work on Windows 7.
- Fixed a bug where it was impossible to control the Keyboard and Mouse when two sessions were opened to the same device.
- Fixed issue with the Direct Connection toggle.
- Fixed bug where Permissions Profiles cound not be created when a lot of profiles already existed.
- Fixed bug where the Address Book did not open on startup correctly on portable clients.
- Fixed bug where the Screen Frame color wasn't migrated correctly between versions.
- Fixed bug that caused Borderless Windowed Fullscreen to show up on the wrong screen.
- Fixed bug where Screen Frame would still be visible after all sessions ended.
- Fixed bug where Session invitations where not working correctly on Windows 7.
- Fixed bug where the Session Recording button was highlighted even though no recording had been started.
Other changes
- Added some more license related switches to better control what features are available when.
- Improved GUI when displaying that no more Address Book Entries can be added.
- Improved Session Watermarks so that at most one is ever displayed.
- Removed Screen Frame from the transmitted image.
- Added visual indicator to license specific features.
- Address Book tab no longer closes when opening another window.
- Whiteboard drawings no longer disappear when a second session is started.
- The register button in User Account Panel should now behave more user friendly.
- The password entered in the User Account Panel is now removed from the input field when a login failed.
- Improved the License Banner to be more configurable.
- When a potential Scam is detected, all Permission Profiles are deactivated to improve user security.
- Showing a proper error message when trying to login with non existing organizations.
- Added warning about minimum password requirements.
- Added additional tooltips in several places.
- The icon to depict Privacy was not consistent across different locations.
- Improved localizations.
- Fixed issue where logged in users could not access their Address Books.
- Fixed issue where Proxy Server credentials would not work correctly.
- Fixed issue where System Info Popup would show incorrect Privacy Mode Status.
- Fixed issue where the License Banner could show up in licensed sessions.
- Logging in now refreshes the user interface more accurately.
- Fixed a crash when using devices without D3D support.
- Fixed crash when uninstalling AnyDesk.
- Fixed crash after accepting Elevation Requests.
Other changes
- Global Search will now find names with accented characters correctly.
- Fixed empty prompt when trying to setup TCP Tunnels through context menu.
- Fixed a possible crash when accepting connections.
Other changes
- Improved Account Menu on high DPI displays.
- Improved presentation of System Information Popup.
- Fixed issue where the dialog for AnyDesk User Account Registration would not fit on small screens.
- Fixed a crash when updating the user interface.
Other changes
- Improved Localization.
- Improved validation of user inputs in the dialog for AnyDesk User Account Registration.
- Improved Address Book panel to allow login in place.
- Fixed issue where Clipboard Permissions for incoming sessions where affecting Clipboard Permissions for outgoing connections on the same device.
- Fixed issue that could cause the Account icon to disappear temporarily when unlocking the System Settings.
- Fixed issue when logging in with Multi-Factor Authentication.
- Fixed issue when trying to add or manage Address Books.
- Fixed crash when removing or changing Licnese Key.
- Fixed crash after updating AnyDesk on Windows 7.
- Fixed crash when logging in or out of a User Account.
- Fixed crash after first start when updating AnyDesk from version 7.1.1.
Other changes
- Address Book will now close when you logout of your AnyDesk User Account.
- Added links to buy or upgrade your AnyDesk License in the new Banner.
- Improved Localization.
- Further improved the Account Menu.
- Fixed crash in Command Line Interface.
- Fixed crash when creating many Permission Profiles.
- Fixed crash when quitting AnyDesk while trying to establish a connection.
- Fixed crash when changing 'Show Remote Cursor' setting during a running session.
- Fixed issue that caused icons in File Manager to be too small.
- Fixed issue where the Session Watermark did not disappear after disconnecting.
- Fixed issue when making outgoing connections using the Command Line Interface.
- Fixed issue with the License Expire Tile.
- Fixed issue where registered License Keys would not persist an AnyDesk restart.
- Fixed availibility of Auto-Update Channels.
Other changes
- Session Invitation Dialogs in incoming only Custom Clients can now be moved to the background.
- Some more popups no longer remain in foreground when switching applications using Alt + Tab.
- Further improved the Account Menu.
- Added Software Keyboard supporting input from pointer and touch devices, also showing the respective keyboard layouts of local and remote device.
- Fixed issue that could cause the Account icon to disappear.
- Fixed issue with Multi-Factor Authentication when using SSO.
- Fixed issue when entering License Keys.
- Fixed issue that prevented creation of Permission Profiles when AnyDesk is installed.
- Fixed issue that caused the button to clear permission profiles from previous sessions to disappear after installation.
- Fixed issues when initiating Session Invitations via context menus.
- Fixed issue with image transmission when accepting Session Invitations.
- Fixed issue that prevented some Permission Profiles to be shown in the Accept Window.
- Fixed issue that allowed creation of Permission Profiles when disabled.
- Fixed crash when establishing connection with TCP Tunnels configured.
Other changes
- Agreeing with Terms and Conditions is now mandatory when registering User Accounts.
- Improved message when removing a Lincense Key.
- Account Menu no longer stays in foreground when switching Applications using Alt + Tab.
- Default width of Screen Frame was changed from 10 pixels to 5 dpi-independent pixels.
- Further improved the Account Menu.
- We introduced AnyDesk User Accounts to simplify license handling and to provide easier on/off-boarding via LDAP and SSO support.
- We need your help to constantly improve AnyDesk. You now have the option to provide us with anonymous usage data that will help us make informed decisions in the future.
- Screen Frames can now be displayed on all the screens and lets you know which one is captured at any given moment.
- Group Policies can now be used to configure Screen Frame settings.
- We introduced the new Auto-Update channel Main, that makes it easy to stay up to date with the most recent website release of AnyDesk.
- Added a Session Setting to automatically show or hide the Remote Cursor when it makes sense.
- Added a Custom Client option to force a User Account Login to use it.
- The Text Clipboard can now be used across multiple simultaneous AnyDesk Sessions.
- Added Group Policy support for Session Invitations.
- Elevation Requests can now be triggered in File Transfer Sessions.
- Fixed crash when a folder and a file had identical names.
- Fixed crash in the File Manager after deleting files.
- Fixed issue that created zero sized files if files had special characters.
- Fixed issue where remote device's folders were not properly shown when connecting for the first time.
- Fixed an issue where the modify time of transferred files was incorrect.
- Privacy Mode now works with Alternative Screen Background, after Switch Sides and after sign in.
- Fixed bug that prevented Privacy Mode to work when permission to use it was given after session start.
- Fixed crash when exiting AnyDesk while in Fullscreen Mode.
- Outgoing only clients no longer allow Switch Sides.
- Fixed issue with settings that control Permission Profile selection.
- Fixed an issue with default language settings.
- Fixed scaling issue when switching anydesk between displays with different scales.
- Fixed bug that prevented the Menu Button from being shown when connecting to Android devices.
- Fixed an issue with Clipboard based File Transfer.
- Auto-Adapt Resolution now has the correct aspect ratio when connecting to wide screen backends.
- Fixed several smaller Address Book issues.
- Fixed bug that allowed Whiteboard menu to be openened without permission.
- Fixed issue where sometimes a process could keep running after disconnecting.
- Fixed issue that prevented Screen Frame to work after Remote Restarts.
- Fixed a crash when changing the License Key.
- Fixed a freeze when navigating large dropdown menus with the keyboard.
- Fixed a crash when transmitting credentials for Elevation Requests.
- Fixed issue where the updater would create Start Menu and Desktop shortcuts even in case that option was not selected during installation.
- Fixed issue where Permission Profiles where seemingly unchangeable permissions were changeable in the Accept Window.
- Fixed bug that caused a message box complaining about a missing dll on Windows XP on first startup.
Other changes
- Improved localization.
- Improved clients awareness of License Restrictions.
- Removed more irrelevant functionality from outgoing only Custom Clients.
- Fixed availability of 'On Session close ask for comment' feature.
- System Info Popup now shows more information when connecting to Linux.
- Improved UI for Session Invitation Dialog and Screen Frame Settings.
- Fixed a security vulnerability.
- Main window now remembers whether sections were collapsed or expanded.
- Fixed user interface issue when establishing file transfer and screen sharing sessions simultaneously.
- Fixed main menu for incoming only custom clients.
- Fixed bug that could cause the Alternative Screen Background to show up a little bit too late on Windows 7.
- Fixed incorrect link to Session Recordings and trace file folders.
- Fixed a bug that prevented crash reports from being sent correctly.
- Fixed a connectivity issue on Windows 7 when using Alternative Screen Background.
- Fixed a connectivity issue on Windows 7 when using Alternative Screen Background.
- Fixed crash when editing Address Book Tags.
- Fixed bug that caused passwords to sometimes not work for File Transfer Sessions.
- Fixed visual glitches on Windows XP.
- Fixed bug that caused some permissions to not show up correctly when using the reconnect button.
Other changes
- Improved Drag & Drop behavior in Address Book.
- Improved wording in some localizations.
- Introduced advanced custom client option to disable Auto-Discovery of other clients in the same network.
- AnyDesk now fully supports Windows 11.
- Chat popup now remembers unsent user input.
- Time of last modification now displays correctly after transferring a file using AnyDesk's file transfer.
- Fixed Drag'n'Drop of address book contacts.
- Fixed overlapping entries in some menus during Direct3D fullscreen.
- Session tab title is now correct after switching sides.
- Fixed issue that caused Alternative Screen Background to be applied one frame too late.
- Fixed issue that could permamently disable clipboard synchronization.
- Fixed issue that could prevent session recordings from working correctly.
- Fixed issue that caused file properties to show incorrect information.
- Fixed issue that could cause remote system information to show incorrect information.
Other changes
- Added more tooltips to URL-links.
- Improved command line interface of MSI clients.
- Removed some more irrelevant user interface elements in outgoing-only custom clients.
- Fixed several smaller bugs and crashes.
- Improved robustness of user interface in some corner cases.
Other changes
- Added missing options to fullscreen menus.
- Synchronized order of menu options in fullscreen menus.
- Fixed positioning issues for some fullscreen menus.
- Fixed issue that caused recordings to play in fullscreen when they should not.
- Improved Group Policy Template hints.
- Improved usability of some address book actions like renaming and moving entries.
- Improved positioning of custom logos.
- Fixed resize actions when dragging the window to the edge of a screen.
- Fixed command line option to remove passwords.
- Fixed some more minor bugs.
Other changes
- Setting up a password to access your device is now much easier. You can try it by using the first entry in the main menu.
- Added tooltip to connection icon in the top left to indicate if the connection is a direct or routed.
- Simplified user interface when accepting file transfer sessions.
- Searching for IDs using the address bar is now handling spaces correctly.
- Introduced advanced custom client settings to disable recent sessions and favorites sections.
- Added setting to control visibility of the 'Install AnyDesk' tile.
- Introduced separate permissions for file and text transfer via clipboard.
- Added option to clear all permission profiles from previous sessions, that were created automatically.
- Fixed automatic proxy detection.
- Fixed default behaviour of permission to transmit audio.
- Fixed bug that could cause loss of recent sessions and other user settings.
- Fixed interaction of file transfer sessions with the new permission profile system.
- Fixed bug that prevented some features to be used in file transfer sessions.
- Fixed bug that caused TCP-Tunnel configuration to not work correctly.
- Fixed bug that caused the clipboard to become permanently disabled when revoking the corresponding permission.
- Fixed address book access if multiple address books with identical names existed.
- Fixed permission restoration after remote restart.
- Fixed several more minor bugs.
Other changes
- Improved Russian and Portuguese (Brazil) localization.
- Improved visibility of settings for incoming only and outgoing only clients to only show settings that matter for the use case.
- Several smaller usability improvements.
- Fixed bug where profile dialogs would not have the correct size.
- Fixed transfer of remote system information.
- Fixed follow remote window focus option behaving incorrectly when used with multiple sessions to the same remote device.
- Fixed rare crash in accept window.
- Added some more checks to prevent some installer crashes.
- Added precautions to fix crashes related to timers.
- Fixed bug that caused some CLI-commands to not propagate changes to other running instances of AnyDesk.
Other changes
- Improved visuals of the file browser dialog.
- Improved visuals of the dialog to enter two-factor-auth validation code.
- Improved layout of welcome panel for small screen sizes.
- Removed permission related UI-elements in accept panel after ending a session.
- Added some more tooltips.
- Fixed display issues for certain AnyDesk IDs. This was a purely visual bug.
- Fixed bug that caused the focused display indicator to not update immediately.
- Fixed bug that caused a UI issue in the permissions popup of the accept panel.
- Fixed various rare crashes related to permission profiles, invitations, rendering and general session handling.
- Fixed various minor ui rendering, usability and layout issues.
Other changes
- Fixed capitalization of section headers in main view in most languages and added some missing error texts.
- Fixed bug that could cause old unattended access passwords to not work.
- Fixed config migration issues when updating from older versions.
- Fixed rare crash and handling of long words when wrapping chat messages.
- Fixed visibility issue of some texts in address tiles.
- Fixed rare crash at application startup.
- Fixed crash in custom clients with disclaimer.
- Fixed minor issues with in-app messaging.
- Fixed minor title bar rendering issues in global settings.
Other changes
- Improved quality of French localization.
- We put a lot of effort into rethinking the AnyDesk user experience.
- Added Permission Profiles. We redesigned how permissions and passwords work from the ground up. Setup an arbitrary number of profiles to fit your individual use cases.
- Session Invitation: Invite others to connect to your device directly from within AnyDesk.
- Use Permission Profiles to conveniently define access rights.
- Alternative Screen Background: Protect your privacy by automatically exchanging your Desktop Wallpaper during incoming sessions.
- Screen Frame: Stay aware of incoming sessions.
- Session Player is now resizable and correctly opens when double-clicking recording files.
- Clipboard permissions can now be enabled and disabled correctly during sessions.
- Fixed handling of simultaneous session requests.
- Fixed various DPI scaling issues.
- Fixed various other issues.
Other changes
- Updated localization for many languages.
- Allow selection and copy of multiple chat entries.
- Generate your Group Policy Template using a custom client.
- Improved tooltips.
- Session Player now works with incoming-only custom clients.
- Access Control List now persists when installing AnyDesk.
- Text inputs now support Ctrl-Backspace.
- Fixed a bug that caused clipboard file transfer to misbehave.
- Fixed a problem that sometimes prevented direct connections.
- Fixed a problem that sometimes prevented direct connections.
- Fixed automatic language detection for Ukrainian and Lithuanian.
- Fixed rare issues with tags in address book.
Other changes
- Improved discoverability of pagination.
- Added option to act on single address book entry when more than one is selected.
- AnyDesk now defaults to the highest audio quality setting.
- Fixed a crash when requesting elevation.
- Fixed various issues with address book pagination.
- Fixed a crash in the recorded session player.
Other changes
- Passwords set via the command line now need to fullfill the same strong requirements as passwords set via the GUI.
- Offer option to reset screen resolution of remote machine after adapting it to local viewport.
- Fixed column sort behavior of file fransfer view.
- Fixed scrolling issue in chat view on Windows 10.
Other changes
- Improved network stability and speed.
- Improved localization for German, Czech, Portuguese and Portuguese (Brazil).
- Added global security setting to lock the remote account. If active the corresponding session setting will be ignored.
- Fixed network detection
- Fixed image glitches occurring during sessions
- Could block remote input without input permissions granted
- Could lock the remote account without input permissions granted
Other changes
- Updated translations for German, English and Italian
- Added Lithuanian translation. Many thanks to Andrius Balsevičius!
- Fixed crash when opening installer.
- Fixed crash when opening settings in custom clients supporting only incoming sessions.
- Added pagination to Address Book to fix too many entries issue.
- Fixed crash when closing a session.
Other changes
- Added UI setting to permanently remove tiles from the main view of custom clients related to password for unattended access, What's New and Discovery.
- Fixed bug that caused elevation requests to fail.
- Added option --remove-password to remove password for unattended access via command line.
- Fixed window size problems for some cases in clients allowing only incoming sessions.
- Fixed alias registration in clients allowing only incoming sessions.
- Fixed crash related to muting audio during privacy mode.
- Fixed bug that caused incorrect keyboard handling on windows login screen.
- Fixed bug that caused address book tags to not show on individual addresses.
- Fixed a couple of small bugs.
Other changes
- Improved memory usage when using preserve details option.
- Revised favorites and recent session lists.
- Revised session recording settings.
- Address Book, Auto-Discovery, Favorites and Recent Sessions now interact with the system clipboard.
- Added option to limit number of incoming/outgoing sessions for custom clients.
- Added option to automatically disconnect incoming sessions when inactive.
- Added option to follow remote window focus.
- Added display option to preserve details when encoding image.
- Added option to keyboard menu to send special Android keys.
- Fixed crash when requesting elevation.
- Fixed crash in session player when skipping to the beginning of a recording.
- Fixed crash caused by invalid thumbnails when searching for addresses.
- Fixed crash when updating Windows Group Policies.
- Fixed bug that caused keyboard mode to be reset every session.
- Fixed bug that caused sessions settings for remote cursor to not save correctly.
- Fixed bug that caused empty session recordings to be created.
- Fixed rare bug that caused settings configured via Group Policies to not work correctly.
- Fixed language detection for some asian languages.
- Fixed language selection on Windows XP.
- Fixed a couple of small bugs.
Other changes
- Improved one time password checks in two factor authentication.
- Fixed a couple of small bugs.
Other changes
- Support for improved connections to iOS devices.
- Fixed bug that could cause AnyDesk to close immediately after starting.
- Fixed a couple of small bugs.
- Fixed crash in Address Book.
- Fixed renaming of Address Book entries.
- Fixed a couple of small bugs.
- Made the Address Book open on startup again.
- Fixed a couple of small bugs.
Other changes
- Updated translations for various languages.
- When enabled, an additional dialog will be shown after authentication by password or token, requesting a time-based one-time password provided by a third device. This feature requires an app supporting TOTP.
- When enabled, devices running AnyDesk that are currently in sleep mode can be woken up by other AnyDesk devices in the same local network.
- AnyDesk now checks the Windows Registry for settings provided via Windows Domain Group Policies. This can only be disabled on Custom Clients.
- Unattended Access now allows the setup of multiple secondary passwords. Each password can be bound to different permissions. This feature requires the use of Windows Group Policies.
- Session Recordings can now be started and stopped at any time.
- Fixed a remote printing in Windows 7.
- Fixed a lot of small bugs.
Other changes
- Immediately installing AnyDesk now allows to connect to that Desk directly from the beginning.
- User interface has been updated and now also allows to hide the sidebar on the left and the Remote Desk box.
- AnyDesk now supports Perfect Forward Secrecy to strengthen its already strong security for data transfer.
- AnyDesk now allows to pring local files on the remote computer.
- Hotkeys can now be used to switch between the remote monitors. Hotkey combination Ctrl+Alt+Shift+left/right to iterate monitors. Hotkey combination Ctrl+Alt+Shift+numpad_number to switch to a specific monitor.
- Reduced the amount of UAC dialogs shown during installation of different components of AnyDesk.
- Updated translations for various languages.
- Fixed a timer duration exceeding integer boundaries.
- Fixed Privacy Mode for Custom Clients.
- Fixed a couple of small bugs.
Other changes
- Improved error handling.
- Reintroduced the invitation link in the main view. This feature requires a properly set up default mail client to work.
- The link 'Send Support Information...' on the page 'About AnyDesk' in the settings now tries to create an e-mail. This feature requires a properly set up default mail client to work.
- Added an option to set up an Alias on the UI settings page.
- The backend user can now accept an incoming session request and immediately request elevation.
- The File Manager enabled file upload even though it was disallowed.
- An additional monitor appeared on opening the File Manager.
- Custom Clients may have cut ID and Alias in a list view.
- Custom Clients allowing only incoming sessions did not support Remote Restart.
- Fixed a deadlock in the service making it unresponsive to session requests.
- Fixed a crash in the service when connecting to multiple IDs at once.
- Fixed couple of small bugs and occasional crashes.
Other changes
- Significantly improved security of Discovery feature.
- The toolbar can now be hidden during a session via the session tab menu.
- The remote activity indicators can now be de-/activated by clicking on them.
- Fixed some minor bugs.
- Enabling privacy mode during a session will turn off the monitor on the remote side so the screen content is hidden.
- Session player can now jump into specific point in time.
- Address Book items offer to create TCP tunnel.
- File Manager address field now handles Enter key properly and shows remote folder content after switching sides.
- Fixed automatic registration of aliases in custom namespaces and couple of other small bugs.
- Address field is now in focus upon window start.
- Added support for Android special keys.
- Translations have been updated.
- Fixed couple of small bugs.
- New permissions must be enabled and will used in case session has been started using password or token.
- Fixed a couple of small bugs.
Other changes
- Improved performance and usability of the new user interface.
- Discovered clients can be searched for now by using user name, Alias, client ID, machine name and operating system.
- Fixed a couple of small bugs.
- Fixed a couple of small bugs.
- Added a new minimalistic layout for customer generated clients that only support incoming connections.
- Fixed a couple of small bugs.
- Fixed a crash when AnyDesk could not find a preview image.
Other changes
- Changed images for welcome panel.
- Fixed a few major and minor bugs.
Other changes
- A couple small usability improvements.
- Added TCP Tunneling (or Port-Forwarding) for running sessions.
- Fixed many major and minor bugs.
Other changes
- Improved performance and usability of the new user interface.
- Improved translations.
- Fixed several bugs that occasionally lead to crashes and freezes.
Other changes
- Progressbar for the installer.
- Updated polish translations.
- Updated the welcome tab.
- Stability improvements and fixed default audio record settings.
- Fixed many minor bugs.
Other changes
- Updated translations for Chinese, Portuguese, French and Russian.
- Fixed a few minor bugs in the Address Book.
- Security improvements regarding blocking outgoing sessions.
- Start Auto-Discovery automatically when AnyDesk is installed.
Other changes
- Added the right click menu.
- Fixed a rare case that can cause AnyDesk to not respond or crash.
- Tracefile was sometimes not stored correctly when AnyDesk is installed.
Other changes
- Small improvements of the new user interface.
- Completely new and modern design for AnyDesk with many usability improvements.
- Greatly improved address book with drag & drop and better handling.
- Support for remote printing on Windows 7, 8 and 10.
- New feature that allows AnyDesk to find other clients inside your local network.
- Fixed bugs relating to the remote cursor and fullscreen mode.
- Fixed several bugs that can lead to crashes in special situations.
Other changes
- Updated translations.