

  • Added screen frame to indicate running incoming sessions.


  • Fixed laggy input after closing one of two or more concurrent connections.
  • Fixed issue with injecting modifier key Alt-Gr.
  • Fixed issue with stuck keys (e.g. repeating characters or hanging modifier key like Shift)
  • Fixed license information in the 'About AnyDesk' window being outdated.
  • Fixed crash/deadlock when changing the screen resolution during an active connection.
  • Fixed issues with editing tags on address book entries.
  • License change now take effect immediately and do not need a restart.
  • Fixed deadlock after changing language.
  • Fixed 'Transmit hotkeys' not being checkable during a session.
  • Fixed tool bar in full screen mode making it impossible to click/use the top part of the screen.
  • File manager now remembers the location.
  • Fixed file transfer via clipboard.
  • Permission for sending files via clipboard now depends on text clipboard permission.
  • Fixed scam protection being displayed too often.
  • Added VPN and TCP tunneling options to file transfer sessions.
  • Fixed replay of session recordings.
  • Fixed issue that some permissions in settings could not be changed.
  • Fixed issue that permissions in settings were not displayed correctly right after opening the settings page.
  • Fixed two-factor authentication.
  • Fixed bug that could lead to displaying the wrong address book after license change.
  • Fixed deadlock that could occur when requesting elevation or switching users.
  • Now showing an error message when connection attempt is rejected due to ACL restrictions.
  • Fixed return from alternative screen background after session end.
  • Fixed color selection for alternative screen background.
  • Fixed accept window content for file transfer and VPN sessions (e.g. missing profile selection).
  • Fixed many UI issues.
  • Minor other bug fixes.

 Other changes

  • Improved system information details.


  • We put a lot of effort into rethinking the AnyDesk user experience.
  • We redesigned how permissions and passwords work from the ground up. Setup an arbitrary number of profiles to fit your individual use cases.


  • Fixed a deadlock when starting a session
  • Fixed a deadlock in address book
  • Fixed a crash when changing the settings
  • Fixed a crash when running on Gnome
  • Fixed bug which caused unnecessary process spawning
  • Fixed lock remote account on session end
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the accept window from showing
  • Fixed issues with displaying permission profile settings correctly
  • Improved UI when setting a password for a permission profile
  • Improved full screen mode
  • Fixed many UI issues
  • Minor other bug fixes


  • Added lossless color mode.
  • Follow mouse mode.
  • Follow focused window mode.
  • Implemented Auto-Disconnect feature.
  • Added transmit hotkeys as a session setting in the menu.
  • Added Android special keys to keyboard menu.


  • Fixed a crash in the session player.
  • Fixed a bug that caused graphical glitches at the beginning of session recordings in the player.

 Other changes

  • Improved Two-Factor Authentication.
  • Improved Wake-on-LAN.
  • Reworked the session recording settings.


  • Introduced capture settings, allowing to disable the XDamage extension in case of issues with screen artifacts (warning: may impact performance).


  • Fixed a potential deadlock at the beginning of a session, resulting in the 'Waiting for Image' message to never disappear.
  • Fixed a bug that made AnyDesk unstable on Raspberry Pi 4.

 Other changes

  • Support for improved connections to iOS devices.


  • It is now possible to start/stop recording during an active session.


  • Fixed online states.
  • Fixed a deadlock in the frontend.

 Other changes

  • Significantly improved security of Discovery feature.


  • Fixed a security vulnerability.

 Other changes

  • Hardened Linux/FreeBSD/RPi via FULL RELRO.


  • Added VPN mode, effectively creating a private network consisting of two devices using a secured connection.
  • The target device can now be locked automatically after session end.


  • Fixed a memory leak and crash/deadlock in the File Transfer.
  • Fixed a bug that the decimal point on the numpad was not transmitted correctly.
  • Fixed a deadlock that could occur on the backend side if text was input too fast from the frontend.
  • Fixed a bug where the wrong keyboard layout was used in some distros and on some login screens.
  • Fixed privacy/input blocking crashing certain versions of i915 driver.
  • Fixed many minor bugs.

 Other changes

  • Improved minor GUI details.
  • Refactored X11 code to put much less load on X Server.
  • Fixed primary monitor not beeing selected on session start.


  • Remote Restart
  • More options on the command line interface
  • Faster rendering on RPi 2/3/4


  • Fixed selecting a different audio device.
  • Fixed searching by typing in the file browser.
  • Fixed several UI and other minor bugs.


  • Fixed minor bugs.


  • File Transfer
  • TCP-Tunneling
  • Address Book
  • Input Blocker
  • Auto-Discovery (partially - discoverable only)
  • Settings for Discovery
  • New and more permissions
  • Session comments
  • Session Recording
  • Session Playback


  • Fixed a lot of major and minor bugs.

 Other changes

  • Updated icons, packaging and supported versions.

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