Customise Your AnyDesk
Session Permission Profiles

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Stay in control of your session

Thorough Permission Management adds another layer of customisation to your remote session and is even easier using Session Permission Profiles.

Customisable permissions

The set of Permissions determines the level of Remote Access. Whether you only want to share your screen and therefore deny control of your mouse and keyboard, or grant full access. You can choose your desired Session Permission Profile.

Personalised Permission Profiles

Choose from our predefined Session Permission Profiles to quickly find the right set of Permissions or configure your own for your specific use cases. Simply assign your desired Profile before every session and don’t worry – you can still make quick changes during a running session.

Unattended Access

Configure a different Unattended Access password per Session Permission Profile. Depending on the password users enter to connect, they get a different set of Permissions. That way, remote access is even more personalised and secure.

Benefits of Session Permission Profiles


If you are an administrator taking care of the configuration of AnyDesk in your company, you will benefit from the Session Permission Profiles. There are many additional options for configuration via the Custom Client Generator. You can, for example, adjust the available predefined Session Permission Profiles for the users in your company.

Remote Work

How can you ensure that users get the set of Permissions they are entitled to and don't perform any unwanted actions on the device while accessing it remotely? Simple: Set a different password per profile. You decide what password you assign to which user.


By choosing your ideal Session Permission Profile, Remote Access reaches a new level of simplicity, as each use case can have its dedicated set of Permissions. Of course, Permissions can still be adjusted at any point, either in the settings or the Accept Window before and during an incoming session.

Tutorial: Customise your own version of AnyDesk

Discover how to create a version of AnyDesk that perfectly suits your needs

Tutorial: Customise your own version of AnyDesk

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Wanzl GmbH & Co. KGaA

Case Study: Wanzl GmbH & Co. KGaA

Learn how Wanzl uses AnyDesk to offer Remote Work to its marketing staff in the graphics department.

AnyDesk Remote Desktop Permissions

Blog: Stay in control

You decide how your desktop is accessed. Read about Permissions on our blog.

Woman gives support with laptop

Help Centre: Permission Profiles

Need help? Read our extensive instructions in our Help Centre.